PES (Plug Extra Small) Range | Stainless Steel Restrained Plugs and Receptacles
Ex-certified and suitable for use in mining, tunnelling and commercial applications, including Group 1 hazardous environments, the PES Range is now available with Back-to-Back (B2B) and Receptacle Gland Bracket (RGB) assemblies.
With operating voltages of 660V and 1,100V, the PES range offers the availability of 60A products that have been designed to withstand 90A. Both options are fully compatible with each other, with black stripes used for easy identification of 90A products. Plugs and receptacles rated to 60A are compliant to AS/NZS1299, while those rated to 90A are not only compliant to AS/NZS1299 but exceed it. In the event of flamepath damage, the barrel of PES plugs can be replaced on-site, even underground, with no specialised training or cable termination required. The replaceable barrel can also be ordered separately and kept in stock on-site. Receptacles in this range feature the Jack-In Release option.
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- A single solid earth body
- Single piece contacts preventing hot joints
- Easy termination
- Easy flameproof repair
- Full solid earth connectivity throughout product
- Full phase to phase segregation with earth
- Lightest Ex product on the market
- Silicone protection cover
- Stainless steel Hanging Plate for Back-to-Back (B2B) receptacles
Technical Information
Volts 660-1,100 Amps Ex 60 Amp; Non Ex 90 Amp Receptacle Weight (KG) 5.0 Plug Weight (KG) 2.6 Material Grade 304 Stainless Steel -
Test Results
Compliant to AS/NZS 1299, IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-1 Through Fault Current (Phase) 2 Tests of 3.2kA for 0.2 secs Through Fault Current (Earth) 2 Tests of 1.0kA for 0.2 secs AC HV Withstand (Phase) 4.2kV for one minute AC HV Withstand (Pilot) 1.0kV for one minute Temperature Rise 60A and 90A Ingress Protection IP55 Impulse Voltage – Partial Discharge –